S - Satellites

Model Designation Manufacturer Other
WS-1A DMSP 5D-2 (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) General Electric
WS-1B DMSP 5D-3 (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) General Electric
WS-2A DMSP 6 (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program)
LS-3A DSP (Defense Support Program) TRW
LS-3B DSP-I (Defense Support Program) TRW/AESC
ES-4A DSCS II (Defense Satellite Communications System) TRW
ES-5A DSCS III (Defense Satellite Communications System) General Electric
LS-6A BSTS (Boost Surveillance and Tracking System)
NS-7A NavStar GPS I (Global Positioning System) Rockwell
NS-7B GPS II (Global Positioning System) Rockwell
NS-7C GPS IIA (Global Postioning System) Rockwell
NS-7D GPS IIR (Global Positioning System) Rockwell
NS-7E GPS IIF (Global Positioning System) Rockwell
ES-8A Milstar Lockheed
LS-9A SSTS (Space Surveillance and Tracking System)
LS-10A SBR (Space Based Radar)
Boeing North American
ES-14A WGS (Wideband Global Satcom) Boeing IADS